Turkish Learning: It's Just A Click Away


"Turkish Learning: It's Just A Click Away"


Güniz Evirgen


Turkey, which is a country noted to be an emerging market, has been showing signs of significant development in a variety of areas and is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The growth and development potential and cultural richness of the country has increased the interest of many foreign companies and investors as well as individuals in Turkey. As a result, the number of foreigners living in Turkey as well as those who want to learn to speak Turkish has increased considerably in the last few years and continues to grow at an increasing rate and the interest in learning Turkish has increased in parallel. My aim is to help those who want to learn or improve their Turkish where a structured, easy to follow and practical approach to learning Turkish is offered.

As you know, on-line courses offer people flexible studying hours. That’s why I have decided to create this site with the aim of reaching and teaching Turkish to more students in the world. In this course, they will have grammar explanations, exercises, videos and tests. Everyone can register for free to watch the demos for each class and topic.  Meanwhile, I also had two books published in 2007 where the first one is for beginners and the second one is for those at intermediate level. These books can be ordered through the site.

I hope they will enjoy it!
