The 6th Sabancı Foundation Philantropy Seminar

The 6th Sabancı Foundation Philantrophy Seminar
The sixth of the “Sabanci Foundation Philanthropy Seminars” under the theme of “Philanthropy for Education: Innovations and Opportunities” was held on December 10, 2012 at Sabancı Center "Haci Ömer Conference Hall" with the attendance of Chairman of Sabanci Foundation Board of Trustees, Ms. Güler Sabancı; General Manager of Sabancı Foundation, Ms. Zerrin Koyunsağan; and representatives of the public sector, business world, media, foundations, associations and universities operating in Turkey.
Moderated by Dr. Deniz Kurtoğlu Eken, lecturer at Sabanci University School of Languages, the seminar on “Philanthropy for Education: Innovations and Opportunities” hosted two speakers; M’hammed Abbad Andaloussi, founder of the NGO Al Jisr whichworks towards the improvement of education system via cooperation with private sector, foundations and the public sector; and Irene Pritzker, founder of IDP (Innovation Development Progress) Foundation.
For detailed information on the speakers and seminar, please visit: